Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Movie inspires my Reality!

It's not everyday that a movie has the power to influence my life but this one surely did! "Letters to Juliet" was a movie that kept me company on my long flight to Rio de Janeiro and I'm so glad it did! (However I did get my fair share of air hostesses and flight passengers look at me curiously and wonder if I was okay, as during some parts of the movie, I became a human fountain!! and also by the fact that I'm a very vocal "movie watcher". It's hilarious, Im such a vivid observer that I'll talk and disagree with a character if I see fit!.. Obviously in the cinema I try very hard to control myself, but ironic part of all this is, that I can watch a movie 5 times and still have the same reactions every single time! - ask my friends if you don't believe me!!) 

Anyways, "Letters to Juliet" was such a wonderful movie to watch that it triggered my travelling vice! I suddenly realised that I haven't travelled (as a hobby) for such a long time! So I didn't want to wait a second longer. After discussing the possibility of Florence or Verona with you all, I have made my decision and booked my weekend away in.... VERONA!!!

However, for those of you that said Florence, rest assured that I will be taking another weekend off to visit Firenze :) So, I can't wait! Thanks for all the help everyone.

So...I really reccommend you check out the movie, tell me what you think and don't worry I'll share all about my trip to Verona while I'm there! 





Luis A. said...
(apaga os 2 sff)

fleur said...

wow^^ now I want to watch it too

Anonymous said...

oh luis,rapaz, estás a por a Mia numa situação delicada. ao que parece a rapariga é comprometida. eheheh!!!

Anonymous said...

não é por nada Luís... mas no Domingo passado a Mia estava no Brasil =)

Mariana said...

Cada vez que vejo este filme apetece- me comida italiana. Só de pensar naquelas massas e queijos... E claro, quanto à cidade, aprece- me ser bastante bonita, embora não conheça essa parte de Itália. Resta- me desejar uma ópitma viagem; não te esqueças de ir contando como está a correr...

Yusuf Zine said...

Ahh, Verona! The city of star crossed lovers! ...I don't know if they call it that, but they should! You're gonna have so much fun when your there! Take lots of pics and keep tweetin'! :)

Anna said...

wow!! mia you're coming to italy! i'm an talian fan of yours(i live near venice!) hope you'll have a good time! buon viaggio! byebye!

Joana said...

Olá Mia!

Ao ler este teu post lembrei-me de um filme que ainda no fds passado vi no cinema... o novo filme com a Julia Roberts. Para além de gostar muito dela como actriz, este filme deixou-me marcas...

"Eat pray love"

Eu que estou numa fase em que ando algo perdida... nem imaginas o que este filme me fez sentir! Se não o viste recomendo e depois...diz-me qualquer coisa!

Inicialmente não dava nada por ele, não tinha curiosidade em vê-lo sequer. Um dia o meu namorado disse-me "vamos ver"...e fomos!

Pensar que é baseado numa história verídica... No Words at all!!!

Deixo-te o seguinte texto do trailer:

"Have you lost touch ... with who are? Then risk everything ... and let yourself go!"

Fico a espera do feedback :)

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