Do you remember the Rabbit in "Alice in Wonderland?", yep Ladies and Gentlemen, that rabbit has become the 21st Century's WOMAN!!
Is it just me or do we never seem to have time for anything? I mean think about it, women today (I say today because I'm sure back in the different ages, a lot of things where deemed futile as "malls" weren't around every corner and money was probably saved for things like paper, animals for the farms, food etc..) So women today just don't have time to balance their desires, needs and obligations into one day, month or even a year!!
Before I go any further please remember this is a one girls opinion and if my generalisation doesn't include you, then congratulations, you're amazing! ahah
So to elaborate I'll start with "clothes". There are some women that were born without a care in the world for fashion and these could be called "lucky" because the amount of money they save on clothes could literally buy them a trip to Bali!
Then there are the other batch of women that live for clothes, fashion and shopping bags! We're the hopelessly devoted to the fashion bug HOWEVER to some, unfortunately the old motto applies "If you "aint got the lolly, you aint got the dolly".
Women have to be able to sustain their desires and only splurge when they can afford it!
Women these days should be independent, which means that after a certain age (where daddy+s credit card can't pay anymore) we have to be self-sufficient. This is definitely a wake up call on its own! It's from this day forth that you start to weigh down the importance and dire need of your many desires!
Men, (if you've stuck with us this far..) take a quick look at the things we have to deal with or afford on a day to day basis: Makeup, Clothes, Shoes (yes its one on its own) bags, phones, ipods, books, hair-dresser, waxing, manicures, pedicures, boyfriend/husband, pregnancy, children, PMS, work, travelling, hobbies, gym creativity/inspiration (for some) I mean the list goes on and on...
Anyways, to cut the story short, or I'll never stop -> Women this day and age are my heroes and I think we all deserve a round of applause if you've been able to juggle about all of these different aspects that truely define us as WOMEN. However... Even after ALL of these issues and possible "drama's" deriving from these things, I've still got to say, with all my heart: